See our listings on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods for ingredients, dosage form, indications, and warning statements
Our products are practitioner-prescribed complementary medicines listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.
Our products are exclusively supplied to healthcare professionals and retail sale should only occur after consultation with a patient.
A consultation with a healthcare professional ought to provide a discreet area where patient privacy can be assured. The practitioner is expected to maintain accurate, complete and up-to-date clinical records; retain all patient records in a safe and secure area for the duration required by state or federal law.
We define a practitioner as a: ‘Chiropractor, Dentist (including Hygienist, Prosthetics, Therapist), General Practitioner, Psychiatrist, Physician, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Optometrist, Osteopath, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist, Psychologist’ with the relevant qualifications from a recognised institution and a registered association.
It is the practitioner’s responsibility to ensure that, in distributing any products, they comply with any applicable state and federal laws, including the public display and sale of goods.
As a practitioner, you agree to indemnify us in relation to any claim arising from the failure to observe any law regulating the public display and sale of goods that we sell you.
Our products may not be advertised in print or electronic media without prior authorisation from us.
The prescribing practitioner is required to demonstrate to Spectrumceuticals that they are registered with a professional association, including identifying the clinic or location where they conduct consultations.
Our company policy is our high potency formulas are for dispensing through healthcare professionals whose primary business is patient care